Do., 03.10.2024
ICONS - Fotos und Aquarellmalerei
Andreas Krajanek
For years, the focus of Andreas Krajanek's work has been his work on five large, contemporary altar paintings in a Vietnamese temple in Bodhgaya, India, the center of Buddhist culture. Watercolors, drafts for the pictures and photos of Indian pilgrimage sites were created, which were then developed into art prints. The traditions of all religions form the foundation of contemporary culture. A significant part of the new cultural identity emerged from the sacred art of Asia, which conveys key products that are sometimes reduced to ornaments or a fragment of an icon.
Die Ausstellung ist vom 3. Oktober bis 3. November 2024 von Mo-Fr 10h-16h nur nach Tel. Vereinbarung zu besichtigen. Auch Abendtermine sind nach Vereinbarung möglich. Tel. 0676 312 57 36,
Organisiert von der Österreichisch-Indischer Gesellschaft und dem Natya Mandir Verein